Vehicle Balancing ?
— Battlefield Direct Communication (@BattlefieldComm) November 19, 2021
The LCAA Hovercraft will be re-equipped with lighter armor, lowering its health, and we're tuning down some of its weaponry
The MD540 Nightbird will have similar tuning done on it's weaponry too
We're keeping a close eye on early balance for future changes pic.twitter.com/8qiY8QtqWR
- ホバークラフトの弱体、主に耐久面を下方修正
- ナイトバードの武器調整
Missing Loadouts ?
— Battlefield Direct Communication (@BattlefieldComm) November 19, 2021
A rare issue that could sometimes cause a data call to fail on our end now has a fix developed, and is presently in testing.
We're keen to roll this one out to you all and make sure that you don't have that frustration of needing to reconnect to a server ? pic.twitter.com/Z7aaoHnkIT
- ロードアウトの調整は現在テスト中とのこと
UAV-1 Interaction ?
— Battlefield Direct Communication (@BattlefieldComm) November 19, 2021
We temporarily removed this whilst we could evaluate the best way to keep it balanced, and fun.
That work is now complete and we'll be looking to re-enable this alongside the next update ? pic.twitter.com/tjy6qQnJpi
- 現在削除中ですがバランス面の調整などは完了しているとのこと、次回アップデート時に利用可能にする予定
Soldier Revives ⚡
— Battlefield Direct Communication (@BattlefieldComm) November 19, 2021
We're confident that we've identified the cause of the issue that was preventing you from always getting off a revive, particularly when a player is in close proximity to nearby geometry.
A fix for this is on the way ? pic.twitter.com/xlim1KVZFI
Soldier Revives ⚡
— Battlefield Direct Communication (@BattlefieldComm) November 19, 2021
Separately we're closing in on a possible server side fix for players who in rare circumstances find themselves unable to respawn.
If that server side fix doesn't stick, we already have a further solution lined up for our upcoming update ? pic.twitter.com/WzULOEkRRZ
- 原因はすでに分かっているため現在修正中
- 尚、蘇生とは別にリスポーンできない問題に関しても現在調査中
- 2021年11月20日